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Return of the Medium

Is it possible to communicate with the dead? Peter Williams thinks so. He refers to himself as an energetic empowerment expert. He’s also known as a psychic medium. This month, Peter returns to the Top End with his show Peter Williams Return of the Medium.

By Lisa Pellegrino

SINCE HE WAS 13-years-old, Williams says he’s been able to connect with spirits.

“When I first connect with them, I tend to see them first so I can give a physical description of what they look like. From there, it becomes a whole bunch of memories, pictures, imprints, words, voices, senses … they use every facet of your sensory skill to communicate the information.”

Williams travels the country demonstrating his abilities, sharing the messages that come through from the other side.

So, what are the spirits saying? According to Peter, it’s often messages to loved ones about the here and now.

“It’s usually about either helping them with their current situation or life or helping them with the grieving and the closure. Every spirit that comes through, comes through for a reason.”

Williams’ renowned for blending the serious with the entertaining. In fact, it’s his love of fun that makes Darwin one of his favourite places to visit.

“Everybody is so laid-back. It’s a very easy-going environment.”

For Williams, a good audience is everything.

“Every event and every show that I do changes because of where I am. The energy of the place and the town absolutely has a vital impact on how the whole thing runs. [In Darwin] everybody has a laugh, we tend to have a bit more of a joke with it all. Darwin’s always a good spot.”

He understands that not everyone is a believer, but cynics beware.

“If you’re coming along as a bit of a sceptic but interested, that’s okay. If you’re cynical which means you’re a complete non-believer, then it’s not worth coming along because you’re just going to bring down the vibe.”

Williams believes we can all learn a lot from the spirit world.

“I try to educate and inspire the audience with the stories from the other side because there’s so much to learn from people who have passed,” he says.

“It can be very inspiring to remind us what we’re here for, and that we’re not all guaranteed 80 years of life. Some of us pass way quicker than that. It’s just a reminder to make sure we live life.”

Peter Williams - Return of The Medium
COST $55-$75

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