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Jimeoin’s been cracking us up for almost 40 years, with his expressive facials and quirky observations. Top End audiences are in for a treat this month, as the award-winning comedian brings his new show to Darwin, hot on the heels from a run at Adelaide Fringe and tour of the UK. 

Tierney Seccull caught up with him for a quick yarn. About fishing, mostly.

Tell us about your new show, Who’s Your Man?!
You know, it’s the same as a lot of my shows, I’m just trying to get people laughing to be honest … I just continually do tours and festivals, and hopefully by the time I get to Darwin, it’s a very funny night. I don’t really have any subject matters or topics, ‘cause if you do stay on a topic too long and you’re banging on a bit, [laughs] it all gets a little bitsy!

Well, we’re very much looking forward to having you here in Darwin!
I kind of know the Top End very well, I know Darwin very well. I’ll probably go fishing … just before the show, there’s good tides, you know? I used to book gigs up in Darwin around the tides [laughs] there are good tides at the end of the Wet.

Well, that’s true. And you know we have a competition running where you can win a million dollars for catching a fish?
Well yeah, and the locals would absolutely adore me if I won that. Swan on in, do a show, nick their fish, nick their cash. Where is the Million Dollar Fish? Is it in Corroboree or Mary River or what?

Well, who knows, there’s a few floating around. There’s a few keen fishos out there trying to score the big one.
What if a crocodile gets it, does the crocodile win a million dollars? Do you have to shoot the croc? Is it a million-dollar fine if you do? You’d have to get started all over again.

[laughs] Well croc skins have been used to make purses in the past, so I’m sure there’s a line there. Your show’s called Who’s Your Man – who would you say your man is?
Well, see, in Ireland we have this expression, and anybody who’s name I can’t remember, that’s my man … And we often say, when we see somebody and can’t remember their name, “there’s your man there” … It’s a facial expression too, like, who does he think he is? If he’s talking rubbish, and you’re looking at your friend and then you look at them and go, “who’s your man?”.

So many uses, love that! For those that haven’t had the pleasure of attending one of your shows before, why should they come along?
I don’t know! … I’m getting on, these might be my swan years, I can’t believe I’m still getting away with it. I never really try to oversell myself, if you want a good night out, and want a laugh, come along. I find it hard to sell myself, you have a bit of modesty as a comedian, you know, we’re not like rappers.

[Laughs] Totally. Your style is relaxed and relatable, much like hanging out with a mate for a good laugh, which will always go down a treat for the Top End audience, and we appreciate you stopping by the Top End for a visit.
Darwin I enjoy because I feel like I’m in a town in Ireland, there’s lots of Irish heads in Darwin. I always enjoy myself when I’m up there. Do you know that joke about that crocodile purse made out of a foreskin?

When you rub it, it turns into a suitcase.

[Laughs] That kind of humour will get you everywhere up here, my friend!

Jimeoin – Who’s Your Man?!
WHEN SAT 27 APR | 7.30PM
COST $59.90 | $54.90 MEMB/ CONC/GROUP

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