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Daniel Connell is Always Sore

Affable, hilarious and quintessentially Aussie, stand-up comedian Daniel Connell is back to entertain Darwin audiences with his signature dry and observational wit. Kate Conway caught up with him for a yarn about his relatable new show, I’m Always Sore. 

So, are you really always sore?
[Laughs] You know what? From a seven-day week point of view, I reckon I’m sore like five of the seven days. So pretty much always sore. I played touch footy last night and today I’m incredibly sore, and that will last until the weekend ,and then I’ll probably have two days where I don’t feel sore, and then it’s back round again. 

So, it’s self-inflicted sport-induced soreness?
It’s either wanting to hang on to my youth and play some sort of sport, or chasing around a three-and-a-half-year-old and picking him up.

Speaking of being a dad, in honour of Father’s Day this month, can you tell us your favourite dad joke?
One I always think of is from my Dad when I was a kid. If we ever got fish and chips he would always say, “if calamari rings, tell him I’m busy.” I always say it to my wife and son when we’re having fish and chips, and it gets nothing – which it should – but it’s nice to keep that going. 

Nice, keep the family tradition going. How does your son feel about your comedy?
So far, he doesn’t get it. He likes looking at me on a TV screen or a computer screen … He’s quite curious about how I get into the TV and inside the laptop. That’s kind of his main concern at the moment. How I got in there and how I’m going to get out!

(Laughs) How are you in two places at once, Dad?
That’s right!

You’ve performed on stages all over Australia and around the world, including the Edinburgh Fringe and throughout Asia, what are some of your highlights?
Top of the tree would be the Edinburgh Fringe. That was an amazing experience … because it’s so close to everything, you get people from every country there. Some nights, you do a show to 50 Scots, then the next night you’d have 10 Spanish or 20 people from Italy in the crowd. It’s a really mixed bag and a such wild experience. Something I’d never experienced before.

Another was when I did a tour of India in 2018 with the Comedy Festival Roadshow. We travelled through India for a month touring around and doing shows, and that was an unbelievable experience. 

To be able to go there, where I’ve always wanted to travel, and do stand-up at the same time was amazing. Stand-up comedy is quite new there … normally, people just laugh and clap, maybe, if it’s really good, but over there, they were clapping at everything. Which was a nice feeling.

Considering you’re always sore, did you try your hand at any yoga while you were there?
Good question! No but I should’ve, I’ve missed my chance there. 

Tell us how you’re feeling about joining us in the Top End?
I can’t wait. I came up and did the Road Show for the Comedy Festival in 2017, and had a great time touring around. I’d not been to Darwin before that, then I came back last year and did my solo show and just had the best time. 

I just love Darwin. Obviously, the climate is lovely as soon as you step off the plane, but I just find the crowds there are so up for it. I think they’re quite appreciative that you’ve come up there, so if they like what you do, they really get behind it. There are many elements that make me keen to get back there. I really love Darwin.

That’s so nice to hear! Is there anything you’re keen to see or do on your visit?
I didn’t get a chance to go to Crocosaurus Cove last time, so I’ve got to get there and suss that out, I do love crocodiles. And there’s also a restaurant I ate at in 2017 across the road from the Entertainment Centre?

Ah yes, Hanuman?
Yes, I really want to get a meal there and I’ve got a cousin there as well, so I should catch up with her, too. 

Daniel Connell - I’m Always Sore
COST $29 | $27 CONC | $26 MEMB

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