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Women of the World Festival

Originating at London's prestigious Southbank Centre, the Women of the World (WOW) Festival has taken the globe by storm expanding to Wales, Egypt, Somaliland, the USA, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sydney – and Katherine!

WOW Katherine, hosted by the Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre (GYRACC), is a great opportunity to be inspired by the stories of women from around the world and across the Territory.

“WOW is all about bringing women together to share their stories, experiences and achievements and also talk about the issues that are important to them and their community,” said Suzanne Fermanis, Director of GYRACC.

“This year we have a wide variety of international, national and local speakers covering a range of topics relevant to Territory women and the unique challenges they face."

The festival features a range of panels, hands-on workshops, mentoring sessions and entertainment. Speakers include UK-based, Eritrean born journalist, author and commentator Hannah Pool, Australian-East Timorese activist Kirsty Sword Gusmao AO, local pastoralist Danielle Doyle and Territory author Courtney Collins –  to name just a few.

See the event listing.

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