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Youth Profile - Andre Price-Quintner

19-YEAR-OLD Andre Price-Quintner is this year’s Event Producer of the Sounds @ Mindil program, where local young musos take to the stage to strum a tune for market goers at the Mindil Beach Sunset Markets. We caught up with Andre for a chat about his exciting new role.

Tell us about your role at Sounds @ Mindil?
Being Event Producer of Sounds @ Mindil essentially means I can shape the gig how I like. I’m responsible for booking acts, working out logistics of the event, as well as promotion and marketing.

You could pretty much say I’m the big boss and every decision comes through me. It feels empowering to have big responsibilities at such a young age!

We hear you landed the gig after participating in LAUNCH Darwin’s emerging producer program – what was that experience like?
I loved that experience! I started off in that program in 2018 with a whole bunch of other young emerging producers. It was called Sounds @ Sunset – a monthly event down at the Nightcliff foreshore. Each producer had their own month where they were able to shape the event how they wanted. I learnt a lot from that program, with a lot of what I’ve learnt being transferred into Sounds @ Mindil.

We featured you in the March edition for your comic abilities – did comedy come before producing or vice versa?
Well, seeing as I did Sounds @ Sunset in 2018, I’d say event producing came first, as I started stand-up comedy last year. However, I’ve always been interested in comedy and was more likely to go down the comedy route than producing. In saying that, I’ve loved every second of producing events – it’s fulfilling to see your hard work pay off and come together on the day.

Is producing events something you’re looking to pursue in future?
I’m definitely enjoying producing. But I’m still very interested in pursuing in a career in acting and going ‘down south’ to study acting. If acting doesn’t work out, I have my event producing experience to fall back on.

What would be your dream job and why?
My dream job is to become a professional actor. I love how you can express yourself through a character and explore the deeper emotions within that character.

If you could attend any live or event in the world, what would it be?
As a massive EDM and house music fan, I’d love to attend Tomorrowland in Belgium. It’s one of the biggest electronic dance music events in the world, where the world’s top DJ’s and music producers perform. It’s definitely on my bucket list to attend!

Sounds@Mindil Volume #2
WHEN SUN 9 AUG | 4.15-7.45PM

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