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Q&A with comedian Andre Price-Quintner

18-YEAR-OLD local comedian and actor Andre Price-Quintner is navigating his way through the Top End Comedy scene. 

OTL caught up with him for a chat. 

What inspired you to get into comedy?
Well, I was already passionate about acting and performing in front of people, and I saw a post on Facebook looking for people to give comedy a crack. I thought I might as well give it a go!

What’s the comedy scene like in the Top End?
There’s pretty much a comedy night on every week of each month, which allows heaps of diverse comedians to come and perform, as well as audiences to check out local comics. 

Who’s your favourite comedian and why?
My favourite comedian would have to be Dave Chappelle. His jokes are so well crafted, and they appeal to the dark side of comedy, which I really enjoy watching and performing. 

What can audiences expect to see at one of your shows?
Audiences can expect something out of the ordinary. I never really ever use the same joke or story twice, so every show I do is pretty much different from the last.

Have you got any hot tips for other young comedians?
The best tip is just to give it a crack, and when you’re writing material to stay true to yourself. Incorporate your own personality and make it your brand. 

And finally… what are your plans for the future?
My passion is acting and that’s something I want to pursue as a potential career. Later this year, I’m going to audition for drama universities all over Australia. 

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