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A new direction for Paul Arnold

PAUL ARNOLD IS A MAN WHO is constantly reinventing himself. Back in the day, he spent almost a decade in the defence force, then found himself working in the mines, before picking up a camera and spending the next 16 years as a landscape photographer.

Now, Arnold is less interested in selling photos of Darwin sunsets, and more interested in creating limited edition artworks and high-end products with his imagery, including scarves and homewares.

“For me, an artist is someone who makes something you can never make again – you can never replicate it,” he says.

“I want to be an artist who can create something new.

“It’s not inspiring for me anymore to sit down at Nightcliff Jetty with 14 other photographers trying to get a shot.”

Arnold has relocated his gallery to the ‘Paris end’ of Smith Street Mall, tapping in to a new market that will see his photographic works the way he wants them to be seen – as art.

“It was a chance for me to reinvent, and it’s been happening over a long period of time. With digital cameras and more and more access to images, I could see that I was going to go the way of Kodak if I didn’t do something.

“But it’s scary. It’s seriously scary having to find a whole new client base who really appreciate what you’re doing.”

So far it’s working, Arnold’s aerial artwork catching the eye of a well-known name in the international creative industry – but mum’s the word on the collaboration until it’s announced at the end of this month.

“It’s mind-blowing for me,” Arnold says.

“The hardest part is not being able to talk about it. I’m so excited!”

Word to the wise, watch this space…


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