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Art & About - March

Unpeeling  Perception

The story of adoption is a personal journey. It can take many years to unfold and many more to be told.

Adopted, virtually at birth, from one culture into another, artist Wenike Hensch continues her journey and exploration of various paths and points of connection with the home of her ancestors this month. Off The Leash caught up with Hensch ahead of her upcoming adoption research residency.

What are you hoping to achieve through this residency? 
I'd like to open up the subject of adoption, to question the perception of adoption in society, to reflect on my experience and dig a bit deeper into my sense of self. Whether my sense of self is lead by nature vs nurture within my adoptive experience. 

How do you share your stories with others through your work? 
With this particular project, I will be experimenting with colour and a range of different mediums: paint, Perspex and tapa cloth, to create emotional narratives that translate important elements of my story.

What have you discovered through your artistic journey so far? 
That I find it much easier to express my ideas by creating visual land-scapes than I do using words. This residency in particular will be a new and exciting opportunity for me to explore my story, to ‘feel’ and intuitively develop my own visual language.

You’re encouraging participation from people with their own adoption story or connection, how can people get in touch with you and what will be the process for them? 
I will be available in the last week of the residency (12 – 16 March) to talk to members of the public who are interested in sharing their own adoption story or connection to adoption. All disclosed information will be treated respectfully and can be noted as anonymous if requested (book online through Creative Accomplice).

Has becoming a mother impacted your artistic journey? 
Definitely! I'm always trying to configure a work/mama balance, especially as a solo parent. It's always a continual see-saw of producing and parenting. Hopefully more of a hybrid of both in future as my daughter's getting older and wants to get more involved. 

Work In Progress Showing THU 8 MAR | 5.30-7.30PM | MAYFAIR GALLERY | FREE 

Artist Talk SAT 10 MAR | 2-3PM | MAYFAIR GALLERY | FREE 

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