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Juggling Act

Hot on the heels of a successful stint on the Aussie festival circuit – picking up five-star reviews and awards along the way, if you don’t mind – Territory funny lady Amy Hetherington is back on home turf, hitting the Top End stage with her hilarious new show, Juggle. Kate Conway caught up with her for a yarn.

Can you tell us about your new show, Juggle?
It’s about life with a toddler, and explores what your identity is after you’ve had a baby and what that means to be you. I lost a bit of my sexiness in becoming a new mum, which was my big challenge. So I went online and asked people for advice on Facebook, and then I took that advice. It’s a series of misadventures about trying to get my mojo back.

And how’s that going for you?
[Laughs] Well, there’s an hour of comedy so that gives you an insight into how successful it’s been. The mojo is there – it’s on the horizon. But that whole part of the show is that I just went on a bunch of adventures based on weird things on the internet, and all the things that went wrong. It’s a reflection on what it means to be a parent, how to survive with a toddler, and how to make cricket sexy.

So, Juggle’s about balancing parenthood and life – any pearls of wisdom to pass on to our readers?
The biggest advice that I’ve found most useful is to run your own race. Don’t compare yourself to other people, because that’s where dissatisfaction exists … As a parent, there’s a lot of social media accounts of perfect mums and inspirational stuff, but I reckon the less attention you pay to other people, and the more you just enjoy your own experience, the more likely it is you’ll find your own identity and your groove.

Nice. And the show’s won a swag of awards already, congrats! What does it mean to be recognised with these accolades?
Competition in art is weird. Because art should be subjective, and loved by everybody for different things, but it’s validating when you’re based in Darwin and you’ve got nothing to really compare to on that national level.

I don’t gig with these full-time comedians as much, so to get recognised alongside them at a festival that they’re all at, while still being in Darwin, is very validating.

Any highlights from gallivanting around Australia?
In Newcastle, 25 midwives came to my show, so if anyone was having a baby in Newcastle I was very concerned for them! But they were just so chatty and it was so fun playing with them. I did some shows in regional places, which I loved. I love cities, but I prefer doing comedy in places that don’t always get it because that’s what Darwin’s like. And the baby-friendly shows that I do, matinees where people can bring their babies and feel safe and supported to do that. Those shows are chaos and so fun. Also Alice Springs! That was fun too. I really liked Alice Springs.

What’s next on the cards?
I’m working on a big project for a big Dry season festival, and that’s all I am allowed to say. But it is very exciting and very Territory proud.

What would you say to our readers to entice them to come along to your show?
It’s fun, and silly, without too much thinking. Even if you’re not a parent or female-identifying, I hope that there are jokes in there for you – I try to write jokes that translate to different people.

Come along if you just want to have a laugh, because that’s my goal and that’s what I’m supposed to do! Life is stressful, the gift that I can give people is an hour where they can just relax and enjoy somebody else being an idiot, not them.

Amy Hetherington - Juggle
WHEN FRI 14 & SAT 15 APR, 7.30PM | SAT 15 APR, 3PM
COST $30 | $25 MEMB/CONC

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