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Together Alone

Ian Moss and Troy Cassar-Daley both have extensive and exciting careers under their belts, recognised as two of Australia’s most celebrated singers, musicians and songwriters.

By Hannah Muir

Ian Moss – who was born and bred in Alice Springs, a detail that would be rude to leave out – burst into the awareness of most Australians as the lead guitarist of the still iconic Cold Chisel. Troy Cassar-Daley has also earned his reputation as an Australian country music star and an all ‘round lovely guy.

Having spent most of their careers admiring each other’s work, the pair takes their first collaborative experience and styles across the country, offering intimate shows on their Together Alone Tour.

Troy Cassar-Daley loves a yarn, that much is evident within the first moments of a conversation with him. He’s a natural born storyteller and master of engagement, with a genuine and affable delivery that hints to a cheeky disposition. His excitement for the Together Alone Tour is palpable.

While Alice Springs may be home for Ian, it’s not unfamiliar territory for Cassar-Daley, either. With a long history of visiting, playing and entertaining throughout Central Australia, he has always supported going as bush as possible, visiting Papunya, Yuendumu and Ampilatwatja to name a few.

“The thing I love about it, hardly anyone gets there. We went up through the Cape last year and had an absolute ball, and it was just incredible to go to these small communities that don’t expect much, and yet when you get there, it’s just so exciting for us and the local communities,” he says.

Troy remembers well the time, when visiting Papunya in 2003, taking up the offer of a recording session with Sammy Butcher of Warumpi Band.

“Sammy said to me, ‘do you want to do some recording while you’re here?’ I said ‘bloody oath I do!’ I’m a huge Warumpi fan, so I was absolutely in my element with those mob.”

Even telling the details of the Together Alone Tour is a story with inflections of meaning and significance for Cassar-Daley.

“This whole tour is going full circle. We started the tour in my hometown of Grafton in Northern New South Wales. We got down there in the middle of some of the heftiest COVID rules, we had to go over the border, it was like going into Russia, we had all the paperwork and all this stuff,” he says.

“Anyway, we got the first show done last year in Grafton, and now we’re having the last show in Ian’s hometown in Alice Springs. How cool is that? How lucky are we to do a top and tail of our hometowns?”

The acoustic tour is very much a passion project for Moss and Cassar-Daley, who dreamt up the idea backstage after a Cold Chisel gig in 2020, wanting an opportunity to bounce off each other. While there have been a couple of questions regarding their different styles coming together, Cassar-Daley assures – with a tale of course – it shouldn’t be a concern.

“It’s sort of like, in the old days, my uncle used to take us, being Indigenous kids, he used to take us around these fishing spots that we still take our kids to,” he says.

“Where two rivers meet is usually great fishing, you know? We look at this whole project as Ian being the rock and roll soul river, and me being the country river. And where they meet … it’s seriously bloody good fishing!”

Ian Moss & Troy Cassar-Daley Together Alone Tour

COST $80-120

Alice Springs
COST $81-$126

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