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Jack and Gus at Terry's Place

In December last year, Darwin music lover Terry Cleary somehow managed to talk London based singer Emily Barker into playing at his Rapid Creek backyard.

By Liz Trevaskis

A long-term fan of her music, thanks to the TV series, Wallander, Cleary encouraged Barker to visit Darwin on her way home to Bridgetown, WA.

“We had a fantastic Wet season Thursday night with about 60 people gathering to hear Emily,” says Cleary. 

“My daughter Elli Belle and local singer Serina Pech opened for her, and following the show we headed to Kakadu for two days before putting Emily back on the plane to Perth.”

“When we were on the road with Emily, we asked about some of the other singers she was singing with, or worth listening to. She immediately named another Australian living in England, Jack Carty.”

So when Carty recently announced his Australian tour dates, Cleary was disappointed that Darwin wasn’t included.

He immediately posted a question to Barker – “Didn’t you tell him about my awesome Darwin backyard?” – to which she replied instantly – “Don’t you worry a jot, I’ll tell him”. 

Carty responded almost immediately, asking if the Darwin backyard gig was a serious offer.

And so it’s happening! Carty and his musical partner Gus Gardiner (Papa vs Pretty) are playing at Terry’s Place this month – and the two day trip to Kakadu, at Barker’s recommendation, has also been added to the tour.

Neither of the musicians has been to Darwin before, and say the decision to add the Top End to the tour was an easy one.

“I’ve been trying to get up to Darwin to play for ages, but it’s never worked out in the past –  I’m excited to finally be making  the trip” says Carty.

“We were both really appreciative that someone would be up for having us at their place and to be supporting independent live music in such a big way,” says Gardiner.

So, if you too love supporting independent live music – get to Terry’s Place this July. Feed not only your love of music with an entrée once more from Elli Belle, but also satisfy your tum with a delicious Nepalese feed, available as well. 

Tickets are available online, with address revealed with ticket purchase. Pack a rug and your esky.


See the event listing.

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