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Serina Pech

Quirky, cute and occasionally dark… if you haven’t seen Katherine singer/songwriter Serina Pech yet, you need to make it a priority.

The young indie/pop artist has been kicking goals over the past few years, signing with Perambulator Records, reaching the finals with two tracks in the 2015 NT Song of the Year awards – and she’s about to release her debut EP. Here’s a sweet chat she had with MusicNT. 

Your EP is being released soon. Tell us about the EP and the process of recording.
I loved recording – it was such a great experience for me. I was so amazed at how much we could build on and change a song that I had only ever imagined for an acoustic guitar and vocals. It was really awesome meeting other musicians and producers, it was a very enriching and satisfactory experience. 

You've filmed a music video for your song ‘Sugar Muffin’– tell us about it.
The process was very new, weird and exciting. I loved meeting the filmmaker, Claudia Sangiorgi Dalimore – she is one of my favourite people ever! It was really nice having that personal connection, shooting it in Katherine and having my family and friends participate in the process. The video is set in a cupcake store, with me as the sweet cupcake girl who gives people cupcakes.

What other artists and bands are you into in the Northern Territory?
I love Roymakonkey, Joy Greer, Room 105, Jenni Boon, Elli Bell and David Spry and the Moral High Ground to name a few. And from Alice Springs Ben Allen, Skank MC and David Crowe would be the standouts to me. There are hundreds of really great people contributing to the diverse scene we have here in the Territory.

How does living in the Top End and being from Katherine affect your music?
I love the freedom of my birthplace. Both my parents sometimes take care of disabled kids and are now the full-time guardians of two fostered Indigenous girls. I’ve been surrounded by a variety of different people all my life and this has shaped who I am and how I build relationships with others.

Watch out for the Serina Pech EP coming very soon!

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