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Kid Mac

Kid Mac is one the talented performers making up the awesome BASSINTHEGRASS line-up this Saturday. OTL's Tierney White got to chat on the phone with him in the lead up to one of Darwin's most anticipated musical events.

Thanks for chatting with me today Kid Mac. Have you ever been to Darwin before?

No, I’ve never been before but I’m psyched! A few muso friends have been before, like Bliss n Eso, and they said there’s a real electric vibe when they perform, so I’m really looking forward to that. We’ll be going to one of the croc parks too, so that’ll be exciting.

I read that you’ve done a fine arts degree and been heavily involved in the film industry – what led you to music?

I was actually pursuing film and music at the same time. I played in a band in high school and it was during my fine arts degree that I learnt about the production of music. I was about 19 and made some demos and I’ve done it ever since.

What’s the best thing about performing to a live crowd?

It’s the vibe. I find it addictive. It’s like a free drug that you just can’t get enough of.

The little nine-year-old girl in your film clip for Higher, Sabre Norris said of you, ‘he says words in his songs that you can feel in your bones’. How does it make you feel to hear someone - especially someone so young - have such a connection to your music?

Well, I really thought my music would appeal to teenagers, but Sabre really opened my eyes to who I could reach. It is such a deep thing for a nine-year-old kid to say; it's really humbling.

Who are your inspirations in life, musical or otherwise?

That’s a big question. My parents were big Bob Marley fans, and I learnt a lot from his culture and music. I loved punk rock in my teens, and Anthony Keidis from The Red Hot Chili Peppers was one of my idols – I loved how he could sing but rap at the same time. Actually, Sabre the nine-year-old skater really inspired me – she’s an amazing female role model.

What advice would you give people wanting to get involved in music?

Do it for the right reasons – do it for the love of the craft. The more you put in the better you get.

What does the future hold for Kid Mac?

The future is a really mixed bag! This year I’ll be focusing on a TV show called The Crew. I’ll be travelling around Australia and New Zealand mentoring some young musos, and that will be showing towards the end of the year. I’ll also be working on my third album as well as my next feature film, which is a drama. Then next year I’ll be looking to start a family with my wife!

Wow, becoming a family man – that’s wonderful. Thanks for chatting with me today Kid Mac – I’ll see you at BASS on Saturday!

Yeah cool, thanks. Take it easy.

Catch Kid Mac @ BASSINTHEGRASS | Sat 23 May | 1pm

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