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Darren Hanlon


What was the first concert you went to?

The first one I can actually remember is Slim Dusty, at the Hamilton Hall, Gympie High School. My dad took me to it and after the show we lined up for an autograph and photo with the legend himself. He was wearing an Adidas tracksuit top like a member of Oasis.

Your favourite album of all time?

The Modern Lovers for its raw power, humour, wonderfully naive unselfconscious lyrics and sheer danceability. It has a timelessness and could easily have been released any year since it came out (1976) and be groundbreaking and influential.

Finish this sentence. My friends would describe me as ...
an unpredictable wanderer who’ll turn up without warning to make good use of the spare room, but is very good at washing up.

Whose posters did you have stuck to the wall when you were a teenager?

I had a Weet-Bix semi-trailer poster, where you had to collect all the truck stickers and put them in corresponding squares. Took me ages to find the last one, a Peterbilt, and I ate a hell of a lot of Weet-Bix until I found it. But that poster was losing the battle for wall space against Madonna and A Country Practice inserts out of the TV Week

How would you describe your sound in three words?

It is wordy.


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