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Bush Tucker Tours

EMMA LUPIN HAS been kicking around the Top End sharing her expertise on tropical gardens and locally produced food for years, as the brains behind Taste of the Top End and as a volunteer for GULP NT. But a collaboration to run bush tucker tours with good friend and Larrakia woman, Leslie Gordon, has got her especially excited.

The tours, which kicked off in March, take participants to natural locations to scout for readily available bush tucker.

“The purpose of the walk and talk tours is to educate people about the natural landscape, and engage with Larrakia land, to connect to the food, appreciate different seasons and to learn how to look after the land,” Emma says.

“We’d love for participants to get a better respect for the land and understand why Larrakia culture is so important for its care. Larrakia people have been looking after the land for a long time. We hope those on the tour can appreciate the Larrakia story and the experience of growing up in Darwin.”

These workshops are the result of a successful City of Darwin grant application, and this month’s tour sees ticket holders heading out to Lee Point Coastal Reserve. But numbers are limited to just 25 for health reasons.

“Due to the virus, we want to be very careful when gathering in groups, as we hold the wellbeing of our community seriously. At this stage, we’ll go ahead with this  event, but be sure to follow GULP NT on Facebook for any updates.”

If you’ve ever wanted to forage for your own bush tucker, a tour on Larrakia land with Emma and Lesley is for you.

Native Edible Plants Walk and Talk - Balnba
SUN 19 APR | 9.30AM- 12.30PM

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