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The Wild, Wild, North

IN THE HOT and sweaty northern wilds of the Territory, a new beast has emerged. It’s a mix of quirky creatures and characters – including forgotten space robots, bushrangers and survivors of a post-apocalyptic future – all exploring different facets of life in the NT. And the universe.

Yep, it’s brand new comic anthology Wild North Comics, and if you haven’t picked up a copy yet you’re in for a real treat.

Founded and co-edited by filmmaker, producer and cross-media artist, Timothy Parish, and Indigenous writer, animator and illustrator, Jonathan Saunders, Wild North Comics showcases the breadth and brilliance of the Territory’s comic scene.

Bursting with colour and compelling storylines, the anthology features an eclectic blend of genres and styles – from meditations on the cosmos to interesting new takes on the Western genre.

“It’s an exciting thing to bring writers and artists together to tell stories together, and the comic book medium is such an imaginative and fun way to be able to connect with audiences,” says Parish.

Wild North Comics Issue 1The inspiration for both the title and the anthology came from the iconic poster art of Franck Gohier, whose pop art piece, Picnic at Berry Springs, depicts a faux comic book cover that plays with stereotypes of the Top End as a place that’s just full of dangerous creatures.

“It was something Tim and I thought was a great cover for an actual Wild North Comics, so once we started to get the ball rolling on it, we approached Franck Gohier who was more than happy to have his art work as the front cover,” explains Saunders.

“Fingers crossed he has time to maybe whip up another one for the next issue!”

With a phenomenal response from the public and more artists, writers and comic book enthusiasts coming out of the woodwork, the editors have opened a call for submissions for the next edition, due to launch in December this year.

“We look forward to a mixture of artists and writers from the first issue and some new faces,” explains Saunders.

We do, too!


Thumbnail: A Cure for Diamonds, written by Levin A Diatschenko, art by Shilo McNamee, Wild North Comics #1.


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