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Q&A with Deckchair Manager Alice Body

2016 saw the appointment of a new General Manager at the Deckchair Cinema. We caught up with Alice Body for a chinwag about the year that was.

Being the Deckie GM sounds like it would be a pretty interesting job! What’s the experience been like?

It’s been very varied – it’s never boring! It’s a big, full on job but I have the support of an amazing group of people who are really integral to the place, including the Deckchair’s other full-time staff member Ops Manager James Parker, plus all the night staff, the Darwin Film Society (DFS) vollies and of course the DFS Committee who put in many, many voluntary hours. It’s a special place and I love it.

Your predecessor, Hannah Brodie-Hall, did a lot of groundwork to get the Deckchair where it is today, can you tell us about it?

Hannah certainly left some big shoes to fill! She secured significant funding for Darwin International Film Festival (DIFF) and a grant to renovate the deck and extend the kiosk, just to name a few. Her legacy is certainly alive and well at the Deckchair.

Reflection time! What's 2016 been like for the Deckchair?

2016 saw a few firsts including the Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair Film Festival, Pride Festival Launch, Capricornia Film Awards, the appointment of a DIFF Director, and the increase of DIFF from eight days to 11. We continued fundraising nights every week for local not-for-profit organisations, and I should mention the next round of applications is now open. We are also really relieved the hotel redevelopment in Jervois Park didn’t go ahead – the community support was overwhelming. You could say it’s been a massive year at the Deckie!

Click here for the Deckchair Cinema Closing Night event.

Want to hold a fundrainsing night at the Deckie in 2017? Find out more here!

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