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Granting Wishes

HAVE YOU GOT a great idea to get people out and about, or engaging in something unique and fun in Darwin? City of Darwin wants to hear from you!

Each year, they dish out some serious cash to support events and ideas in the Darwin municipality through the Community Grants Program.

Round two for the year is now open for projects set to be undertaken from January to June 2022, where community groups and organisations can apply for up to $10,000 to deliver meaningful activities, programs, or events.

Last year, Darwin Community Arts (DCA) threw their name in the hat and successfully scored some dough to run the Together While Apart skill share series, later renamed Intermingle.

Intermingle organiser Georgia Glen of DCA says the grant went a long way to make the project happen.

“The grant program assisted us to launch our Intermingle workshop program by covering the costs of local artists and materials. We offered a huge variety of visual art activities, including cyanotype printing, relief printing, weaving, whittling, screen printing, drawing and more," she says.

"Over 300 Darwin participants enjoyed the 25 workshops we delivered over the year.”

City of Darwin General Manager Community and Regulatory Services Matt Grassmayr says the grants are about bringing the community together.

“City of Darwin’s community grants support grassroots groups and individuals who are creating, making, and imagining events and activities that are in direct response to the needs of the community,” he says.

“Recipients of past community grants have contributed to the development of a vibrant, inclusive and diverse community. Community grants have celebrated our history, supported vulnerable people, raised awareness about environmental issues and supported the arts.”

“This year, Council endorsed a further $40,000 for grants funding for arts initiatives. We are still working through the details for the arts specific grants but hope to launch these alongside the community grants in September.”


Header & thumbnail: Weaving workshop with Aly de Groot. Photo: Georgia Glen

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