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NT Heritage Festival

Should the NT News be heritage listed? That’s the question two teams will go head to head over for the annual Heritage Festival Debate.

Over two weeks the NT’s National Trust will host a huge array of events for the festival, including the popular debate.
National Trust NT president Trevor Horman says there will be some clever folk argue the finer points of heritage listing the iconic local paper with Clare Martin as moderator.

“It should be quite good – I’m sure crocodiles, cyclones and criminals will get a fair share of the talking points,” he says.

There’s a jam-packed program for the festival with events happening right across the Territory including Alice Springs, Borroloola and Katherine.

Horman says the Darwin festivities over two weeks will see more of a focus beyond the Berrimah line.

“We’ve tried to extend the program beyond just Darwin and into Palmerston,” he says.

“We’ll be looking at the rail trail from 1886 in Palmerston – you can still see the rail pick marks from when they built it.

“There’s a trip out to the Humpty Doo rice fields where they’re going to share the story of how that got up and why it failed.”

Horman says the festival is a good opportunity for young people to get involved and learn more about the Trust and some of the historic properties they look after.

Heritage Festival | MON 16 – SUN 29 APR| VARIOUS LOCATIONS VARIOUS |

Heritage Festival highlights - head to the National Trust website for full program

Heritage Debate | FRI 20 APR | 6.30PM | MUSEUM & ART GALLERY NT | $10

Visit to 16 Mile WW2 Site | WED 25 APR | 5PM | 16 MILE |$5

Heritage Quiz Night | FRI 27 APR | 5PM | BURNETT HOUSE, MYILLY POINT | $10

Humpty Doo Rice Project | SAT 21 APR | 9AM | COOLALINGA SERVICE ROAD  (DARWIN END) | $10

Barbara James Memorial Lecture WED 18 APR | 5PM | NT LIBRARY | FREE

Cemetery Ghost Walk  | MON 16 APR | 7PM | GOYDER’S CEMETERY | $10

Myilly Point Heritage Precinct  – Open House Day | SAT 21 APR | 4-6PM | BURNETT HOUSE | $10

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