In a world where the standards of beauty are constantly shifting, this refreshing dance theatre work, created by youth for youth, explores how our values and societal...
Embark on a evening of enchanting tales with Australian pianist Stefan Cassomenos and Conductor Richard Mills. The evening begins with Richard Mills' Snugglepot and...
An enchanting Christmas ballet treat! The Nutcracker ballet is a timeless, world-famous traditional classical ballet. Adventurous, exciting and simply a pure delight of...
The month of December is all about Xmas parties, maNTra infuses their usual House beats with some added festive cheer. Join fellow DJs – Micky Mas, Gova, Pete Stone, and...
Enjoy a cozy Christmas Eve, European-style celebration. Your festive menu includes share boards, mains served as share platters, including salads, baked ham, and Swedish...
Transforming modern pop hits into timeless classic, retro musical collective Postmodern Jukebox bring their world tour to the Top End stage, with styles ranging from...
Bring the magic of Disney to life with Mary Poppins. Come and experience an enchanting mixture of irresistible story, unforgettable songs, breathtaking dance numbers, and...
Australian music royalty, Kasey Chambers, is on tour to celebrate her newest record Backbone. Golden Guitar and ARIA award winner, Kasey has been hailed for bringing...
From humble beginnings as a busker in 2019, to selling out multiple shows across the globe, TONES & I has exploded onto the music scene and cemented herself as a one-of-a...
Primary school aged children across Australia take important steps towards a healthier future by participating in National Walk Safely to School Day. Get involved!
Get ready to experience the ultimate ABBA tribute. Join Björn Again for an epic night of classic sing-a-longs, as they bring timeless hits like Waterloo, Mamma Mia, Take...
Known for their iconic performances of great music hits, enjoy familiar classics such as Bohemian Rhapsody and Hallelujah, to Funiculì and Nessun Dorma. Each show...
SÉANCE transforms a shipping container into a Victorian séance room. It explores the psychology of a group of people who have been bombarded with suggestible material and...